Day #2931 (Sun., Jan. 14, 2018) – Bobby Has An Ear Infection
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Bobby was complaining that he hit his ear, but in reality, he had an ear infection. My wife took him to the doctor and he confirmed. While they were out I did some reviews of the presents that Katie got for her birthday. They included:
- Another fairy garden. She already had one as a Christmas present, so this kit makes #2.
- A dinosaur fossil kit (see photo to the right). You basically chip away at the clay until the dinosaur fossil bones appear. You then assemble the various bones and you have the assembled dinosaur fossil.
- An emoji maker. This little kit makes various stickers with emoji expressions on them. Katie used this kit to decorate a book that she is creating for Wyatt. Wyatt will be leaving for Germany with his parents soon and Katie is quite upset.
I spent the whole day uploading videos to the video maker so that I can make a video of Katie’s birthday party yesterday. I have about two hours of video, so it takes quite a while.