Day #2933 (Tue., Jan. 16, 2018) – Doctor, Then School
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My wife took Katie to the doctor this morning. She doesn’t have an ear infection, but the lymph nodes under the ears are swollen. That is why her ears hurt.
My wife took Katie to school this morning after the doctor’s appointment. She told Katie that if she didn’t go to school today because she was sick she would not be able to play with Wyatt in the snow tomorrow. So, off to school, Katie went…
This evening Bobby and I played with dinosaurs and the miniature doll furniture around the dining room table. It’s nice to have a huge flat surface to play on. It also makes it easier on my leg as I do not have to worry about getting down and getting up. As you can see from the photo to the left, Bobby really likes to “play” with Katie’s dolls.
We got an email from the Glenwood nurse this evening. She said that they are seeing children test positive for the flu and other children sick with a stomach virus.
YouTube changed the rules of its partnership agreement today. Now you need 4,000 hours of video watched and 10,000 subscribers before you can be considered to get ads on your channel.
We are expecting snow tomorrow so it doesn’t look like the kids will have school. I will probably end up working from home.