Day #2934 (Wed., Jan. 17, 2018) – Snowed In!
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The snow was really coming down this morning. We are forecast to get about 6″ of the white stuff. School is canceled of course, and both my wife and I worked from home. It’s debatable whether we will be able to get out tomorrow. You can see the accumulation in the photo to the left.
Wyatt came over to our place to play this morning. This is one of the last times that he will be able to come over as his family is off to Germany soon. I think Bobby loves having Wyatt around even more than Katie. It’s nice to have a boy to play “boy stuff” with.
Sophi, a neighbor girl who is in grade 10 came over to take care of Bobby this morning so that my wife could work. She is very shy and looked extremely uncomfortable while she was here. When Bobby went to bed for his nap Sophi walked Katie and Wyatt over to Wyatt’s house. Sophi’s mother texted my wife and told her that Sophi did not want to babysit anymore. It looks like she got wore out this morning. The kids were really not that bad…it’s just that she is so shy and sensitive.