Day #2937 (Sat., Jan. 20, 2018) – Making A Snow Fort
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My wife and I spent some time out on the front lawn with Katie and Bobby this morning building a fort (see photo to the left). We have little plastic containers that you can use to create snow blocks. For the top of our fort, we put a piece of cardboard and covered it with some snow with blocks on top to make it look a bit like a castle. We needed to get a bamboo rod to put on the front of the fort so that the cardboard would not collapse under the weight of the snow. It really didn’t matter much as when I got back from Trader Joe’s to get supplies it had already melted away… 50 degree weather will do that to a snow fort.
Wyatt came over to play with Katie this afternoon. Their time together is getting short. I asked Wyatt if he had a special dessert he liked as I planned to pick it up at Trader Joe’s for him. He said he liked mango ice cream and we have plenty of that. As I kept asking he said “mango cupcakes” and almost anything with “mango” in it. Well, TJ’s doesn’t have any of that, so I picked up some chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting. Wyatt was gone by the time I got home, but Katie sure enjoyed them.
Just before Katie went to bed this evening I put a number of music videos on and the kids danced up a storm. They danced to “I’m Still Standing”, “Gangnam Style”, and Katie and my favorite, “La Vida Loca”. For some reason, Katie hated “La Bamba”. I think it was because she wanted to put “La Vida Loca” back on.
Bobby and I played a number of games this evening. Sitting around the dining room table, we played a game where he puts letters on cards. He really enjoys letters and numbers and singing and learning. After that we played hide and seek a bit where the Spiderman and Batman dolls helped us find each other.