Day #2939 (Mon., Jan. 22, 2018) – School Morning Drama
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Katie woke up complaining that her stomach hurt and she didn’t want to go to school yet again this morning. My wife and I made her go and told her that after she got to school if she got sick, to give us a call and we would come and get her. She was not happy so I decided to distract her by talking all the way there. I just kept talking about making chocolate in a double-boiler so it would not burn, about the lady I knew in Cary who owned a candy store, all the chocolate molds she owned, etc. etc. Well, we ended up making it to school, and she got out of the car, so I promised her a donut when she got home from school today (see photo the right).
Bobby was very fussy when he got up from his nap this afternoon. He would have a little mini-tantrum and start to cry at the smallest thing. It’s rare to see him fussy like this…especially for so long. Not sure what’s up but my wife thinks he might be getting sick.
This evening I brought out the little bag of dinosaurs and Play Doh that I picked up at the Dollar Store on Sunday. Bobby and I played with that on the dining room table while my wife practiced piano songs with Katie.