Day #2941 (Wed., Jan. 24, 2018) – Dinosaur PJ’s
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We passed by a big truck-type device with a long conveyer belt on the front on the way to Glenwood this morning. I told Katie and Helen that it was a mechanical anteater and we were lucky that it didn’t notice us or it would have sucked us up…
Bobby wore his dinosaur pj’s to preschool this morning. You can see him playing with the trains in the photo to the left.
Bobby has picked up a rather unusual habit. When you ask him how he is doing he will say “I don’t feel well”, when he is in fact perfectly fine. We think that he got this habit from hearing Katie say that she didn’t feel well so often.
We were out of bananas for smoothies so I stopped off at Trader Joe’s on the way home from work this evening.
Katie had a terrible case of diarrhea this evening. Looks like she might not be going to school tomorrow.