Day #2949 (Thu., Feb. 1, 2018) – Kids Home Sick

Both Katie and Bobby are home sick today. Lizzie is taking care of both of them.  I am not feeling well so I took a sick day off from work.

2018-02-01 - Marking Bobby's HeadKatie and Bobby had a bath together this evening and ended up marking up each other’s faces (see photo to the left).

Katie and Bobby both love each other very much but it is quite interesting how the dynamics between them play out. One will do something to the other and they will come up to either my wife and me with a comment like “Katie did this” or “Bobby did that” or “Katie won’t do this” or “Bobby won’t do that”.

The kids enjoy playing with the Hot Wheels track but it might need an additional section or two. A 180-degree angle would be nice so that we don’t have to go and get the cars…they would come back to us.