Day #2950 (Fri., Feb. 2, 2018) – $8 Car Track

2018-02-02 - $8 Car TrackBoth Katie and Bobby are home again today. Both my wife and I are stick as well. At least it is not the flu, which is currently in town and is especially bad this year.

The photo to the right shows the $8 car track that my wife got at one of the second hand stores around town. They don’t make it anymore, but my wife found one on Amazon for $150 and one on eBay for $80 that is used.

Katie’s piano playing is improving greatly. My wife says that she has an incredible memory for music. Playing the piano will serve her well as she grows older. If she is lonely, sad or depressed she can go play the piano and feel better. Unlike something like gymnastics or ballet which leave you open to injury, piano and musical skills can be utilized way up till old age. I have often thought how great it would be to play the violin or some other instrument in the local symphony.