Day #2951 (Sat., Feb. 3, 2018) – Dollar Store Bingo

When I got up this morning I gave the kids the bingo game that I picked up at the Dollar Store a few days ago. As expected, Katie enjoyed playing it, while Bobby wanted to spin and spin and spin the dial.

We then played a game of drawing various cutouts on paper and making a little “play” out of them. I drew a dinosaur, “Bobby”, a fire truck, and a cat in a tree. The dinosaur chased “Bobby” and the firetruck rescued the cat from the tree.

2018-02-03 - Five BelowThe photo to the right shows the toys I picked up at Five Below for the kids. Our current Hot Wheels track needs a few more sections, so I got this addition pack, along with two “mini” Hot Wheels cars as they travel best. I also picked up some bubble gum for the next Daddy/Daughter day. Time to teach Katie how to blow some bubbles.

I also stopped off at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods for supplies. I wasn’t planning on going to Whole Foods but Trader Joe’s was out of bananas and strawberries. They are going to have to get their act together before Wegman’s comes to town or they are going to find a lot of their clientele leaving them. People don’t have time to go here for this and there for that these days.