Day #2954 (Tue., Feb. 6, 2018) – “Free Evening” Without Kids
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Bobby has amassed quite a collection of Hot Wheels cars. Some work better than others. The little car shown to the right works the best. It has big wheels and is small enough not to get caught in the various tracks and tunnels that it travels through.
Katie is off from school sick again today. When I left for work she was sleeping. My wife texted me a couple of hours later saying that she was taking her to school. Looks like the extra sleep did her good.
My wife, Katie and I met Sharon this afternoon at 2 pm. Katie wanted to talk about Delaney, who is a bit of a bully at her school. She also wanted to talk about ghosts and how she saw one a while back. Sharon was questioning her how scared she was of ghosts. The meeting mostly centered around Katie’s not feeling well in the morning and her subsequently not going to school.
Sharon will be leaving her current company and started up a new practice in Carborro. We are going to follow her. I was telling her that she should set up a camp, kind of like a soccer camp, where kids who are stressed or need advice on how to cope with life’s issues could attend. She told me that she might tap my expertise in setting up a website, etc. I am more than happy to help a good cause.
Bobby was in rare form this evening. He didn’t nap during the day and was extremely fussy as a result. My wife put him to bed early. With Katie in bed, we got a chance to have a nice relaxing “kid’s free” evening…nice.