Day #2956 (Thu., Feb. 8, 2018) – The Bully Club
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The photo to the left shows where Bobby hit his head on the xylophone yesterday. Band-aid marks the spot.
When I got up this morning my wife told me that Ella was sorry for the fact that she was in the Bully Club at school (i.e.: yes, The “Bully Club”). Her mother and she are going to take Katie out to dinner tonight after school to apologize. I guess Ella felt so bad that she had ruined the relationship with Katie that she went and told her mother about it. This is a big “plus” in the Ella column as far as I’m concerned.
I drove both Helen and Katie to school this morning. We seem to be later and later in getting off from our house. We make it to school just before they would make us sign in.
When I got home this evening Bobby was running around saying how much he missed Katie. When Ella’s mom dropped her off, he cried at the door because Ella didn’t stop in to play, even though Katie came bounding through the door. Go figure… Katie told me that they went to Ella’s house where they had pizza and played with Ella’s dog, Maggie. Katie seemed really happy that Ella was her friend again.