Day #216 (Sat., Aug 7, 2010) – Cure For Little Katie’s Hiccups?
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“Roar from the Living Room”…Little Katie must be up for the day!

10:32am – My mother-in-law is reading a book to little Katie. We are making progress…she is actually looking at it as opposed to trying to eat it.
The photo to the right shows some organic plums (in jars) that my wife got in the mail yesterday. Nothing like variety for little Katie’s diet.
I was working in the bedroom this afternoon and everyone else was out in the living room. As I went out of the door little Katie saw me and immediately stopped “hiccuping”. Will have to keep that in mind for the future…
I was showing little Katie the audio book of “Thomas the Train” this evening and trying to have her push some of the buttons to make the sounds. She tried, but the buttons are just a bit too hard to push. It’s too bad that they were not easier to push as I think she could pick up on the whole concept rather quickly.
1) We might have a cure for little Katie’s hiccups.