Day #2982 (Tue., Mar. 6, 2018) – Fixing The Dining Room Chair
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I took both Katie and Helen to school this morning. I learned that they both don’t like tacos (i.e.: today is Taco Tuesday at Glenwood). I told them that a taco a day keeps the dinosaurs away. I try to have a taco a day and there are no dinosaurs around, right? Corny joke but they seemed to like it.
Katie has expressed an interest in the past about putting a birdhouse up. As it is getting close to the time when birds start to nest I called up Wildbirds, a local bird supply store, for more details. The lady told me that if you put a birdhouse up it is better if it goes on a separate pole as predators like snakes will try to get at the birds. I thought a rope over a branch might suffice, but she told me that they will just slither down it. It would be terrible to get a birdhouse up for Katie to enjoy only to see a snake eat the little chicks.
She said that people around here like to put houses out for bluebirds as they will lay eggs multiple times from March/April to possibly July. They will even let you go up and look inside the house and come back to the house to take care of their young when you are done looking.
So, all in all, the cost is roughly about $150 after you take into account the pole, the birdhouse, and a “bevel” that goes around the pole to prevent the snakes from slithering up. My wife and I could do other things with the money right now, so we decided to wait till Katie ask again for a birdhouse.
Bobby enjoys meeting me at the door when I get home from work. He will carry my briefcase to my bedroom. He has an ulterior motive, to stay in the bedroom and watch television. We have also noticed that in the evening he will say that he wants to go to bed so that he can sneak down to Katie’s bedroom and play with her.
This evening I fixed the seat of one of the dining room chairs. I started gluing it over the weekend, and tonight I used our new Stanley electric staple gun to staple the material in place (see photo to the left). Our guests are coming on Saturday for Bobby’s birthday so we wanted to have it fixed by then.