Day #2986 (Sat., Mar. 10, 2018) – Bobby’s 3rd Birthday Party

Bobby’s third birthday party was today from 10am to noon. We invited his preschool class and some of the neighborhood kids along with Arnesa and family and the Bosnians.

2018-03-10 - Dinosaur VisitThe kids enjoyed rummaging through the wood chips in the wading pool looking for dinosaur fossils. They also enjoyed snow cones and all the dinosuar toys that Bobby has accumulated. One of the highlights was Dzenen the T-Rex dinosaur. You can see the kids all assembling around him in the photo to the right. A couple of kids were scared, but most loved it!

Arnesa made Bobby’s birthday cake. It was chocolate and adorned with numerous dinosaurs. I could see where the red candy melts made their appearance.

The main meal was Pappa John’s cheese pizza (with a couple of pepperoni pizzas as well). The kids could also assemble their own snacks of raisins, nuts and other candies we had displayed on banquet tables.

This evening we opened Bobby’s gifts. He seemed to like the RC car he got the most.