Day #2989 (Tue., Mar. 13, 2018) – Ten Loaves Of Lithuanian Bread

Bobby is up and running around this morning like nothing happened. Good to see him back to his ole self again…

2018-03-13 - Lithuanian BreadThere was a delayed opening this morning due to the light snowfall we received last night. I took Katie to school at 9 am. Since Helen was not around Katie wanted to play “Bigger Than A Breadbox”. Her items, such as a ladybug and grass, are getting harder to guess as she gets older. She said that she wanted me to give her a hard one, so I did…the screw that holds the traffic light in place. It was hard! She didn’t get it!

My wife is having an event at Katie’s school where she will be introducing Lithuanian food. As a result, off to Cary I went to visit the international market. I picked up ten loaves of Lithuanian bread (see photo to the right), two packages of Lithuanian cheese, and four Lithuanian mini cheesecakes for the kids. I went to the Carpenter general store beforehand to pick up three jars of honey.

This evening I went for a long two-hour swim in the O2 pool. I need to get a “jump start” back into shape after all the birthday food I ate on the weekend. My wife had me pick up some grapes, green melon, kiwi, and green apples for Bobby’s school snacks tomorrow. Also, some toothpicks to hold all that Lithuanian food together.