Day #2991 (Thu., Mar. 15, 2018) – Bobby Opens The Hallway Door

2018-03-19 - High InstepThe photo to the left shows the high instep that Bobby has. Daddy’s boy!

We are all feeling a bit better this morning. My wife took both Katie and Bobby to see Dr. Homan. He will be leaving for Florida with his family soon.

Well, it looks like next week we are having a regular party of the Glenwood staff. Teachers, social workers, nurses, the whole shebang to talk about Katie’s absences. Dr. Homan said that he could come if we really needed him, but he is putting his house on the market for his move to Florida so it’s going to be a rather hectic day.

I was playing a game with Bobby this evening in which we knocked down dinosaurs with the remote control car he got for his birthday. He promptly lined up the dinosaurs again and moved the car to the side so that he could knock them all down in one pass. He’s always thinking and innovating.

Bobby managed to open the hallway door this evening with a key that he found. The key didn’t work in the hole, but he wiggled and jiggled til he was able to figure it out. This little boy is so persistent. It’s going to be really amazing to see the man that he grows into…

My wife was supposed to give a demonstration of Lithuanian foods at Katie’s school today but she canceled as we are all sick. Katie was upset about this as she wanted to go. She kept mentioning that she would not get “chomps”. My wife tried to console her by saying that she would take her to the presentation at Nora’s school and that it would be better as they could just have fun and not work. By the way, it looks like my wife will have plenty of Lithuanian bread on hand now…10 loaves.