Day #3012 (Thu., Apr. 5, 2018) – Picture Day At Glenwood
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Touch A Truck is coming to Chapel Hill (see photo to the left). Bobby will be all over this!
Today is picture day at Glenwood. The girls said that they usually go to the gym to have this done. Helen mentioned that she usually sits with Emory at lunchtime. I have heard of Eleri before, but this is the first time I have heard of Emory.
Bobby called me at work today. He wanted to talk. He misses his daddy.
The kids enjoy dancing around. It helps to put them to bed when they burn off some energy. Katie really enjoys Ricky Martin’s Livin’ La Vida Loca and Bobby loves PSY – Gangnam Style.
I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies later this evening. There were three bags of frozen peas in the freezer. My wife tells me that Katie doesn’t like them, but she likes corn again. It’s hard to keep up with what he likes and what she doesn’t like at the time. As I was leaving she asked for frozen cherries, so I will get some of those.
No swim tonight. I did a weight workout in the O2 gym in Carrboro. I think all the chlorine in the pool is causing the redness in my eyes, so I will give them a rest. I won’t be going to the pool after this month at any rate…