Day #3016 (Mon., Apr. 9, 2018) – Knee Operation NOT Approved
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The photo to the left shows the Camry trunk full of the plywood I carted home from Home Depot yesterday. It’s amazing what you can fit into a Camry!
Today was “Wear Pyjamas With Pockets In Them Day” at Glenwood. The kids were supposed to put pennies in the pockets to donate to good causes. My wife had four pennies and I found a bunch on my armoire. It’s amazing how little a penny buys these days so you don’t tend to be too concerned about having them around.
My wife downloaded two games onto her phone yesterday for Katie and she is obsessed with them. One is called ‘Animal Jam Wild” and in the other game, you raise baby cheetahs.
When I drove home after work Steven was in the driveway with his boys. His two boys and Bobby enjoyed riding on the motorbike that my wife found on the side of the road a few weeks ago. It might just need a battery, but we don’t want to put it in just yet. Bobby is too young to be running around the place on a motorbike.
Katie’s dance class was today. She told me that they danced to a Dr. Seuss story.
I learned late today that Cigna is not going to approve my new knee operation. We still have to talk to the knee surgeon to find out why, but hopefully, there is a mistake somewhere. Otherwise, there will be months and years of hobbling around.