Day #3017 (Tue., Apr. 10, 2018) – “Nickle Day” At Glenwood
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Today was “Nickle Day” at Katie’s school. Yesterday she took pennies to give to charity and today it was nickles. It was also “Neon Day” at Katie’s school, where the kids were to wear neon. Katie wore a neon dress.
Bobby had his trip to the dentist this morning. He went with the dental assistant no problem. He didn’t need his mommy to be there. Katie was the same at this age.
As it turns out, the problem with the steering mechanism on Bobby’s tractor is that the pin on the steering wheel has come out. I cut off a section of a coat hanger, secured it in place, and voila, the tractor can steer again. The photo to the left shows me pushing it along with one of the planks leftover from the plywood sheets I got on Sunday.
Katie lost another one of her front teeth this evening. She was bounding about and it just came out on the kitchen floor. Lots of blood, and it took a while to find it.