Day #3046 (Wed., May 9, 2018) – Subdued Wife’s Birthday

2018-05-09 - Racing StripeThe photo to the right shows the current state of the bandage on my knee. I put some duct tape on it to secure the two sections of the bandage as it tends to fall off when I am asleep. I call it a “Racing Stripe”.

Today is my wife’s birthday. Not much of a celebration I’m afraid given my knee and all that is going on. I did send her a card though.

My wife told me that Katie wanted a tiger shirt that will change color as you rub it up and down.

I had another physical therapy session this afternoon. Emily didn’t want to go outside walking today (maybe because it takes too much time?). Instead, we did some stretching and walked back and forth in the hallway.

I did go for a walk this afternoon with the wife and kids. We have to get Katie to keep Bobby off the middle of the road for safety reasons. We went 1/2 way up the hill and back. Our “neighbor” was out mowing his lawn. On the way home, Katie had a flower that was plucked from a tree? On the way up my wife said that it was on the tree. Did Katie pluck it? Did Bobby?

We had Jimmy John’s sandwiches tonight. Bobby didn’t really eat it as we expected. He “dissected” it and ate the individual components separately.