Day #3047 (Thu., May 10, 2018) – The Power Of Advertising
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The Power of Advertising book came today (see photo to the left). I am going to use it to teach Katie about ads.
My wife went to work this morning so I was home alone. She dropped Bobby off at Arnesa’s house on the way. I ended up sleeping until 10:45 am at any rate. Sometimes the pills just “kick in” and I cannot help but sleep. Sometimes they seem to do nothing. On the way home, she brought some chocolate cake leftovers that her boss gave her from a party they had.
This afternoon I walked a bit further…to the 2nd lamppost in the driveway on the way to the top of the hill.
Arnesa had no problem whatsoever in putting Bobby to bed at her house. This made things a lot easier on my wife as she didn’t need to go pick him up. When Katie came home they left to pick him up, and along with the Bosnian girls, they all went strawberry picking. After strawberry picking, they went to Maple View Farms for an ice cream. Bobby seemed to wear more of it than he ate.
We had Jimmy Johns again this evening. It’s quite a sight to see Bobby holding this huge sandwich and munching on it.