Day #3064 (Sun., May 27, 2018) – Teaching “Think Smart”
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The photo to the right shows the thumb drive that I purchased at Rite Aid the other day. The reason I’m writing about it is that it was something that was a “good idea”. It’s all metal, so there are no plastic pieces to go bad and ruin the connection like other thumb drives that I have used in the past. In addition, you can attach it to your keychain so it’s always available. Good idea, but bad followthrough. It is TOO thin! When you put it in the computer slot, and I have a standard DELL, it is too thin so it will move up and down and constantly lose connection. It could have been solved by making it a bit thicker. The reason I bring this up is that I’m constantly pointing out things to Katie and Bobby in the area of “think smart”. Hoping that these little lessons will help them to be much more productive and happy when they get older.
Bobby was so proud of himself. He did a #2 in the garden this morning.
Katie and Bobby were playing outside this morning and found a dead bird with flies circling over it. Bobby came up to me and mentioned it a number of times so it obviously made an impression on him. Katie buried it. It is good for them both to learn about the “circle of life”.
This evening we walked the mall. We visited one of the art galleries, making sure to watch Bobby so that he didn’t touch or destroy anything. We had pizza at Alberto’s afterward.