Day #3069 (Fri., Jun 1, 2018) – Dollar Store Pool Toys
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Arnesa took Bobby and Arnesa and Claudia to the Tumble Gym in Southern Village this morning. The cost is $5 for 30 minutes but Bobby had a great time.
My wife drove me out to Meadowmont to pick up my business cards and stationary this morning. We went to the Dollar Store afterward to pick up some swim toys (see photo to the right). I also got two toy trucks, a firetruck, and a cement mixer, as I will be taking care of Bobby this evening while my wife takes Katie to her dance rehearsal. We also picked up a number of glass tumblers. At a dollar a piece you can’t go wrong.
We went to the nearby Mexican restaurant afterward. We both felt very sleepy on the drive home. It’s amazing how Mediterranean food seems to perk you up and Italian and Mexican food makes you sleepy.
My wife took Katie to her dance rehearsal this evening while I took care of Bobby.