Day #3096 (Thu., Jun 28, 2018) – New Microwave

Cameron came to work today but my wife let her go home early. She is still recovering.

2018-06-28 - MicrowaveI stopped off at Walmart in Pittsboro after work this evening to pick up a new microwave (see photo to the left). It’s chrome to match the fridge as my wife requested and only cost $53.

As I was driving into the yard this evening the tree guy was there evaluating what needed to be done to remove the tree branch from our roof. The main reason we wanted him to come was to ensure that the rest of the tree was not going to fall on our house. She said it looks pretty secure…just the branch.

Bobby painted his face with permanent markers again today.

Katie sure enjoys playing with Maple. They will be good friends for many years to come.

My wife showed me the journal that she is going to send Dr. Homan (things you would like to tell your patients but don’t).