Day #3101 (Tue., Jul 3, 2018) – Door Sign For Maple
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The photo to the left shows the sign that Katie posted on the front door to remind her about Maple’s bathroom breaks.
I drove Katie to photography camp in Carborro again this morning. She didn’t get the pizza for lunch today.
I had another dentist session this morning. He filled a small cavity in my front tooth. After the appointment, I drove out to the tailors in SouthPoint to pick up my sports jacket.
In photography class today Katie got to edit her own pictures.
Bobby wrapped himself up in a blanket on the floor while watching YouTube this evening. He was tired.
We need to take Maple outside as soon as get up from a nap. Katie “lollied” around this evening and Maple peed on the carpet.
Maple is gradually getting friendlier to daddy. He comes over to play now. He loves to pull your socks off.