Day #3110 (Thu., Jul 12, 2018) – Back To The NC Aquarium

I went to Magic Beans to do some work at 6:30 am this morning, which seems to be my norm these days. My wife texted me that the kids wanted to go back to the NC Aquarium so I picked them up and off we went.

2018-07-12 - Beach ToysBobby was wanting to go to the gift shop as soon as we got out of the van and was upset that we would not take him. We have been buying quite a bit of stuff for the kids at these gift shops as of late, at their inflated prices of course. Just yesterday we bought him a skin diver at this same gift shop that you can wind up and it will swim in a tub or in a pool. Katie got some sort of a turtle that grows when you put it in water.

After seeing the fishes and playing on the dinosaurs we took the kids for lunch at the lunch area inside the NC Aquarium. Bobby and Katie each had a hot dog and a slushie. Bobby wanted skittles and I bought some Starburst candies to hand out to them.

This afternoon I stopped off at a store like Big Lots to pick up some beach supplies (see photo to the right). A monster truck for Bobby, some rocket darts, and squirt guns for the rest of us. We played with them on the beach for a bit, but a storm is coming so we didn’t stay around for long.

We need to go to this same store tomorrow to get a rug. Maple destroyed the one in our beach house.

No emails from UNC for me…