Day #3124 (Thu., Jul 26, 2018) – Spaghetti Lunch At Work

I dropped Katie off at the bus that will take her to the farm camp in Mebane. My wife texted the man last night to tell her how Katie was afraid of the horse getting away from her. He said that he would make adjustments today. Let’s hope she has a good day with no drama.

2018-07-26 - Spaghetti DinnerThey gave us a spaghetti lunch at work today as a sign of appreciation for all our hard work (see photo to the right). Delicious, right?

I stopped off at Trader Joe’s on the way home from work this evening. I got bananas and cheese, a staple now that Bobby has been eating so much of them. I also got a lot of carrots but forgot to get waffle cones, a new favorite of the kids.

At farm camp today I guess that the guy didn’t think Katie was ready to go out of the pasture, so her and another kid rode their horses inside the paddock. Another problem has emerged, that of the farm hands smoking around the kids. When I was growing up nobody blinked an eye at this sort of thing, but second-hand smoke is a big deal these days and since a lot of kids don’t grow up with it, it really bothers them.

Maple has learned to eye the kids and as soon as they turn there backs she will quickly run over to their plates or bowls and gobble up whatever is in them. We’re trying to teach the kids to guard their bowls, or at least take them out to the kitchen when they are done eating.