Day #3141 (Sun., Aug. 12, 2018) – Melissa & Doug Removable Sticker Book
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When I woke up this morning I took some Dollar Store modelling clay out to the living room. I found it in the bedroom the other day. The kids and I made some animals out of them (see photo to the right)…or I should say Katie and I did. Bobby just enjoys masking the various colors together.
Murren’s birthday party was this afternoon. My wife was putting Bobby to bed so I drove Katie over and dropped her off and went back to get her two hours later. It was held at “The Farm”, where UNC faculty and staff go to relax and unwind. Her family is leaving for Washington, D.C. soon so she will not be in Katie’s class this year. Murren was one of the girls under Sophie’s influence who used to tease Katie. Murren’s mother told me that Murren said Katie is one of the girls who she will miss the most. Go figure…
This afternoon I drove to Michael’s and A.C. Moore to check out their sticker books. I was able to get a 50% off coupon for each store via an app, so I got quite a few sticker books. One of the best one was a Melissa and Doug removable sticker book of various types of vehicles.