Day #3158 (Wed., Aug. 29, 2018) – Afterschool Playdate With Helen

I drove Katie to Helen’s house this morning. Susan drove them to school.

When Bobby woke up at 8:30 am I drove him to Arnesa’s house. I fed him but on the way over he said he wanted another banana. Arnesa showed me that she had some available at home. I’m going to Sam’s Club this afternoon so I will pick up some bananas and cheese sticks for Arnesa while I am there.

2018-08-29 - MangosI went to Sam’s Club this afternoon for supplies. Organic ground beef, “small” hamburger buns, two lots of cheese sticks and plenty of bananas, raspberries and blueberries. Oh, and a special treat, a box of fresh mangoes (see photo to the right).

I also stopped off at Aldi and picked up a cheese pizza. Cheap and the kids love it. Oh, and they had a sale on bananas so I picked up some more of those. With Bobby in the house you can never have enough bananas.

I picked Katie up at school at 2:30 pm. Helen wanted to come over to our house for a play date. My wife came home from work at 4 pm.

Bobby wants his “daddy time” in either Katie’s room or his. Tonight it was his room. We started off with stickers but he will eventually show me all his somersaulting skills.