Day #3159 (Thu., Aug. 30, 2018) – Returning Library Books
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I let Maple out this morning. Ginger was there so they played for a little bit. When a car came to our neighbors Maple refused to come into the house. I had to go get her. She tried to escape me but I eventually grabbed her by the collar and brought her into the house. I sure hope this is not a sign of things to come. This dog has to learn to obey commands.
I picked Katie and Helen up at Glenwood at 2:30 pm this afternoon. On the way back home I stopped off at the library to return some of Katie’s library books (see photo to the right). We can’t find one of them so it looks like we might need to get a replacement from Amazon.
My wife took Bobby for a play date with his future classmates this afternoon (with Katie in tow). I asked Bobby who he met and he mentioned Lucas, Vivian, and Margaret. He is always so expressive and detailed.
I made Instant Pot chicken stew for the family this evening. The chicken was from Sam’s yesterday. Organic, but it had a “sell by” date of today so I got a deal on it.