Day #3169 (Sun., Sept. 9, 2018) – Shopping With The Kids
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I’m still feeling “under the weather”. I think that I will need to see the doctor tomorrow. Why is it that we always seem to get sick during the weekend when the doctor’s office is closed? The only option at this point is urgent care, and who wants to pay the $80 co-pay for that?
My wife went to Trader Joe’s this afternoon as she is making snacks for Bobby’s school this week. She told me that it was good I didn’t go as everyone is freaking out about Hurricane Florence (which is due to strike the mainland later this week) and the store was packed. She came home will a lot of groceries, but alas a good deal of it was processed packaged food like cereal, chips and cookies (Katie went with her…enough said).
This evening Bobby was very restless so as the girls practiced piano I tried to entertain him with bristol board cutouts (see photo to the left). I had a series of cutouts with words on them, and when you opened them up, it showed a drawing of what the word was. I also had a series of cutouts for various Halloween monsters and themed objects.