Day #3177 (Mon., Sept. 17, 2018) – Home Sweet Home
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It’s nice to be home and back to sleeping in our own beds again…
Bobby just loves to wear his Cat Boy costume (see photo to the left). He doesn’t like to have the mask over his face, but he doesn’t seem to mind the “Nerdy” glasses that came with a Happy Meal courtesy of McDonalds.
School was cancelled today for both Katie and Bobby. There was flooding near the SilverSpot movie theater this morning as well as at Trader Joe’s.
Maple loves the tail on the Cat Boy costume so Bobby can’t really wear it around the house. Maple will attack him and grab it off.
I took Katie to dance class this afternoon. There were only four girls…I guess the others got flooded in or were away. After I dropped her off I went to Phydeau to get some cat food as we were out. There was a chicken & cheese blend that we decided to try.