Day #3193 (Wed., Oct. 3, 2018) – Tin Foil Art

2018-10-03 - Tin Foil ArtMiss Mary was absent from Bobby’s school today for some reason and it showed. They opened the doors late. She has that place running like a fine machine when she is around. Bobby made some “tin foil art” today (see photo to the right).

Bobby found a couple of squirt guns outside and has been enjoying playing with them. He will not stop teasing Maple though, and Maple took the gun out of his hand and crunched it to bits. Lots of crying and consoling later and Bobby took the other gun for another try at teasing Maple. Well, Maple took that gun as well. Will he ever learn. “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie” is the saying that we had when I was a kid. It applies in this situation.

I asked Katie if she ever played Mango anymore. She said no. I guess it all started with Miss Stanford who accused Katie of not including other kids. Katie said that ever since that time her heart is not in the game anymore. Another casualty of Miss Stanford.