Day #3194 (Thu., Oct. 4, 2018) – Flu Shot Presents
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I had to mail a package at the post office off TW Alexander Road this morning so I took Bobby along with me. I told him that he would be able to push buttons to get some stamps for my wife’s boss so he was all in. On the way home I stopped off to get supplies at Trader Joe’s. My wife wanted 1/2 gallon of 2% milk.
This afternoon we all went to get flu shots at Target near South Point Mall. Unfortunately they did not have a shot available for Bobby, so after we were done we drove over to the Target off 15-501. Each of us got a $5 gift card at Target, so we spent the kid’s gift cards on a gift for them for having to “endure” the shot. Katie got a “hatchables” and Bobby got a garbage truck (see photo to the left). I’m not sure what the fascination Bobby has with garbage trucks, but he could have chosen a firetruck or “whatever”. It was much harder to find a toy in the $5 price range that Katie wanted.
I made a pizza this afternoon and when I got home it was missing. We could not find it on the counter or “anywhere”. The only thing we could think of is that Maple jumped up on the counter and took it?