Day #3195 (Fri., Oct. 5, 2018) – Fish Craft
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Bobby has figured out how to open the gas tank cover to my car. He left the gas cap on my front seat this morning. I told him how he was never to do this again and if he did I would lock the car and he would never be able to get into it again. I can’t afford to have this car break down. It would be another expense we don’t need right now.
At “Fish” class today Bobby made a “fish” (see photo to the right).
Bobby took the recycling truck that he got last night to the tub with him today. Of course the lights and siren no longer work after that great soaking. I tried to open it up, which took some endeavor to find the screwdrivers, but the screws would not budge. I ended up shaking all the water out. I will let it dry on it’s own tonight and tomorrow, if it still doesn’t work, take it out and leave it in the sun. Hopefully none of the connections corroded. At least it is not salt water.
Katie’s report card came back today. She is doing remarkably well. It appears that her only difficulty is in the area of writing down understanding of what she reads… We’ll have to work on that.