Day #3196 (Sat., Oct. 6, 2018) – Chinese Party At Park
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The photo to the left shows Bobby pursing his lips in preparation of playing a trumpet or other brass instrument.
A good night of drying had no effect on the recycle truck that Bobby bought. No more lights and siren. I asked Bobby if he learned a lesson from this. He said “Yes, don’t take your truck to the tub”. Good boy… At least he is not crying uncontrollably for daddy to go and fix it.
My wife and Katie took Maple to another dog training class this afternoon. The instructor said that you need to keep food away and the counters clean. Once a dog realizes that there is food available, and they can get to it, they will not forget. She said that one day she cooked a turkey and put it on the counter. The dog got it and never forgot the fact that this was the place that they got a nice tasty meal.
There was a picnic of the Glenwood-Mandarin-Chinese community at a park in Carborro this evening from 5-7. I thought of going with my wife and Katie and Bobby but I have so much to do. I guess that there was lots of Chinese food, but as usual, the kids didn’t eat much. They were too busy running around and having fun.
Bobby is getting better and better at somersaults. Not sure how much longer we can go without a gymnastics class.