Day #3213 (Tue., Oct. 23, 2018) – Bobby Visits The Doctor
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My wife took Bobby over to Arnesa’s place today so that he could play with the kids. Unfortunately his nose was running and he was fussy. My wife came and told me that he was screaming for daddy so i drove over to pick him up and take him to the doctor.
My wife met us at the doctor and after a thorough exam (see photo to the left) he determined that it was still viral. I took Bobby home and fed him and put him to bed for his nap. He ate his usual round of Greek yogurt, but also had three bowls of shredded cheese. For a “sick” boy he still has his appetite.
When you put Bobby to bed he will get fussy if the bottoms of his pj’s are not near his ankles.
Katie had a play date with Helen this afternoon over at our house. Bobby enjoyed tagging along and playing with the “big” kids.
Miss Laura, Katie’s former piano teacher who is now the grade #3 teaching assistant, sent an email to my wife saying what a great student she is.
Bobby was a wild one this evening. It seems he is all better and good to go. He should be able to go to school tomorrow.