Day #3214 (Wed., Oct. 24, 2018) – Dead Bird At Bobby’s School
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My wife took Bobby to preschool this morning as the mothers were getting together to talk. I picked him up at noon. His cough is getting worse and he has a deep voice now.
Of course Bobby wanted to go behind the preschool to play. There was a dead bird on the ground (see photo to the left). Not sure what caused the bird’s death…it didn’t look like it was injured in any way. It’s good that Katie was not there…she would have been very upset.
When Miss Laura started her new job as a teaching assistant at Katie’s class we were wondering how Katie should position herself. We didn’t want her to become too familiar and the other kids feel “not as special”. On the other hand we didn’t want Katie to appear as though she didn’t have any sort of relationship with her. In the end it all worked as Miss Laura appreciated Katie answering all her questions about the school, the class, and how things work.