Day #3216 (Fri., Oct. 26, 2018) – The Dart Gun
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The photo to the left shows the dart gun that I got for Bobby yesterday at the Dollar Store. He’s too young for the darts so as they go missing I made sure he doesn’t find them. He can enjoy the plastic guns on their own.
My wife has a lot of vacation time to use up so she will be taking alternating Fridays and Mondays off til the end of the year.
It’s a cold miserable wet day today. I dropped Bobby off at preschool in the AM. They are decorating pumpkins today. My wife picked him up at noon.
I picked up Katie and Helen at Glenwood this afternoon and brought them over to our place for a play date.
Maple seems to really want my attention. She will grab “whatever” in her mouth and dance around til I acknowledge her.
Bobby was very fussy this evening. He managed to find my “paint scraper” in the basement and was very curious as to what it was and how it worked.