Day #3221 (Wed., Oct. 31, 2018) – Halloween
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The photo to the right shows the pumpkin that we carved for this year. We have been doing rather elaborate carvings in years past. This year we thought we would create a traditional Jack-O-Lantern…we’ve never done that before.
I dropped Bobby off at preschool today in his Cat Boy outfit as they are going to have school “Trick or Treat”. After dropping him off I had to drop the Spiderman mask off at Dzenen’s house as he is going to be Spiderman at work. My wife dropped the costume off and didn’t realize that there was a mask as well. Dzenen’s birthday was yesterday so he gave me some birthday cake to take home.
The next stop was Harris-Teeter for some candy for the trick or treater’s who will be coming to our house this evening. I then went to Trader Joe’s for some food to take to Genevieve’s Halloween Party this evening.
This evening all four of us dressed up. Bobby was Cat Boy, Katie was a swan, my wife was a reindeer, and I was Batman. We met the neighbors at the corner and went trick-or-treating. Dzenen, Arnesa and Ayra joined us. Helen’s family went to another neighborhood this year so they didn’t join us. We took the wagon in case Bobby got tired of walking. As it turns out he and Ayra enjoyed being pulled around the neighborhood.
We then went over to Genevieve’s house for the Halloween party they hosted. It started at 7:30 pm and we went home around 10 pm. Quite late for the kids.