Day #3222 (Thu., Nov. 1, 2018) – Meeting Frankie At SouthPoint Mall
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Bobby and I met Frankie (see photo to the right), one of Bobby’s friends from preschool, and his mother Amy, at SouthPoint Mall this morning. I had to take my wife’s rings to Zales and asked them to join us there. They are good friends at school and Amy was looking for something for Frankie to do as the neighborhood children were busy today. She didn’t bring any snacks so we all shared the snacks that I prepared for Bobby.
The kids liked riding the escalators and Frankie introduced Bobby to “Build A Bear”. They had a display where you could examine the various little songs and sayings that you can put inside your own personalized bear. I didn’t want Bobby to stay there too long…they are so expensive and not really worth it in my opinion.
I went to Trader Joe’s this evening for supplies. I made sure that I got some chocolate milk for Bobby as he didn’t really like the “chocolate syrup” version I made at home.
Katie cut her lip courtesy of Emory, her classmate, at school today. Details are sparse, but it might have been an accident.