Day #3223 (Fri., Nov. 2, 2018) – Googly Eyes
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I dropped off Bobby at preschool this morning. It’s very warm outside. It’s so warm in fact that he didn’t need a coat. Today, as with every Friday, there is a combined “Fish & Turtle” class where both classrooms of students get together. He got a pair of “Googly Eyes” today (see photo to the left).
When I picked Bobby up the goal was to get him to bed early as he has a swim class this afternoon with Miss Barbara. He was “almost” up when it was time for swim class. I took him and brought him home. Today he complained about the noise in the swimming pool.
Maple is such an opportunist. She waits for when your back is turned and then pounces. She ate Bobby’s pizza this evening when his back was turned.
Katie is very happy this evening. We think it’s because the weekend is here…
My wife has started to limit Katie’s viewing of YouTube. Both her and Bobby are into “David’s TV”, a YouTube channel. My wife can’t stand it because they are always asking for comments and likes and subscribes.