Day #3225 (Sun., Nov. 4, 2018) – Lazy Sunday
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Today is a “Lazy Sunday”…one of those rare days on the weekend in which nothing is planned. In fact, none of us left the house. The kids played, did puzzles (see photo to the left) and homework while the adults cleaned up.
Katie spent most of the day doing her homework. The fact that my wife has made a rule that she cannot play on the computer til she gets her homework done has turned out to be a tremendous motivating factor. She had a headache just before bedtime this evening. Could all that playing on the computer have been the culprit. When I was growing up we had two television stations and on Sundays especially (when the news and religious shows and something called “Country Canada” came on the tube) we spent a lot of time outside playing.
My wife ordered a bunch of “wheels” for Lego this evening. Bobby, even at the tender age of three, has started to gravitate to Katie’s Lego toys. The problem is, she was never into wheels and things and with all those little bunny and animal creatures he doesn’t really know what to do with them except build buildings. These wheels should solve this problem.