Day #3226 (Mon., Nov. 5, 2018) – Water Main Break
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Katie is home sick from school today. She has a headache and she really must be sick as she actually took two naps during the day today… She napped quite a bit today (see photo to the right). It’s VERY rare for her to nap during the day…
There was a major water main break in Chapel Hill this morning. Katie’s school was let out at 11:30 am as a result. All the buses were clammering out of Chapel Hill so I was stuck in traffic as I drove to pick Bobby up at preschool at noon.
Bobby ate 3 slices of cheese, and some yogurt, and then asked to go to bed for his nap. Once there he insisted on wearing his Cat Boy outfit. I could not find the mask and was hoping this would suffice. It did not, so I was soon out in the living room looking for it. I found it, but Bobby would still not go to sleep as he was fussing about the eye holes not being a perfect fit over his eyes. He eventually calmed down and went to bed. I think he might be getting what Katie has.
Katie is still weak and sick this evening but Bobby is up raring to go. He is fascinated by the guitars and wants to bring them off the shelf. The problem is that they end up on the floor and we don’t want anyone to step on them.
I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies this evening. Katie wanted hot dogs and buns. My wife made one and Maple took it when Katie was not looking, so she made her another one.