Day #3227 (Tue., Nov. 6, 2018) – Lego Wheels Arrive
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Katie still home sick today as well. This viral “thing” she has won’t go away. I bet the teachers think that my wife is keeping her at home over all that drama about having to take her to see the school nurse if she is sick…
My wife dropped Bobby off at Arnesa’s house and then went to a meeting at Glenwood to meet with Katie’s teachers.
I was supposed to go as well, but I needed to be home with Katie as she is sick today. Miss Fleming was raving about Katie. She said that students like Katie is why she got into the teaching profession to begin with. What a difference a year can make…Katie love’s school this year, and her teachers love her as well.
The Lego wheels from Amazon came today (see photo to the right). Bobby was busy building various vehicles out of them.
I went for groceries this evening. There was no goat’s milk at either Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. What’s up with that?
Election coverage was all over the television this evening. The Republicans gained in the Senate but the Democrats took over the House.