Day #3259 (Sat., Dec. 8, 2018) – Chapel Hill Christmas Parade
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I went to Trader Joe’s at 8 am this morning. There was already a crowd of about 100 people waiting at the entrance for the store to open. We are expecting snow tonight so everyone is there getting supplies for what cold be a “snow in” event.
When I got back I “waxed” the sleds with some coconut oil and WD40 (see photo to the right). They are now ready for the snowfall we are expecting tonight.
There is a Christmas Parade in Chapel Hill today. The Chinese-Mandarin community always has a group walking the route so my wife took the kids this morning. I threw my back out the other day somehow, so no walking for me. I dropped them off at the start of the parade and picked them up at the BP station in Carrboro when the parade was over. Bobby brought home a couple of Chinese party favors and was playing with them this evening.
I was tempted to go to Trader Joe’s this evening to see how packed the place would be, and how empty the aisles would be, but I decided to stay put. You can already feel the cold outside, and we are inside. Usually the first snowfall happens on the weekend of Katie’s birthday, as we have had to postpone it for the past couple of years. Winter is coming to Chapel Hill early this year.