Day #236 (Fri., Aug 27, 2010) – One Bag Down…

My mother-in-law was leaving on a stroll with little Katie as I was heading out to work this morning. I waved to her from the car window and started to sing a few bars of “Chippy Chippy Chipmunk”. Little Katie just stared…

2010-08-27 - Buckwheat
2010-08-27 - Buckwheat

My wife had an exam this morning and it went quite well. Nice to have that out of the way. My wife has been putting a lot off til this was done, so we can now get a lot more done around the house, etc.

This evening little Katie managed to finish her first bag of buckwheat (see the photo to the right).

My mother-in-law is flying out of the country tomorrow. Her flight leaves around 10:30am, which means we need to leave the house around 8:30am. It will be quite an adjustment for us to get back to taking care of the little Katie all by ourselves.

1) Little Katie finished her first bag of buckwheat today.