Day #3261 (Mon., Dec. 10, 2018) – Stuck At Home
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After lounging around yesterday and pretending to be sick, Maple is back to her regular self today. Maybe she was just tired? Or was the snow getting her down?
As expected, we are all snowed in today. No work for the parents or school for the kids. This morning my wife took the kids outside and built a snowman. This afternoon I went outside and played around. I started off by trying to roll a huge snowball down the road (see photo to the right). As the kids can attest, that didn’t work. We then threw some snowballs about and I showed the kids how to play a sort of “air hockey” on the trunk of my car. I made some hot chocolate with marshmallows when we went inside. Bobby seemed more interested in eating the marshmallows by themselves.
I fed Bobby too much at lunchtime today. He woke up early from his nap and threw up. We need to get the right balance of filling him up so he will sleep and yet not throw up.
This evening Bobby wanted some of the snow cone sauce that he saw on the fridge door. I went outside and got some snow to mix it with. He loved it so much I had to go out and get him another bowl of snow.
There was a police car on the street in front of our house this evening. Not sure what that’s all about, but at least we know that our street is passable with cars.