Day #3275 (Mon., Dec. 24, 2018) – Christmas Eve
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We called Norad numerous times today to see where Santa was on his journey. It’s always easier to call them in the am before the evening rush at bedtime.
My wife and Jasmine went shopping for food today so I was home with the kids. We started to create sock puppets so we could have a puppet show, but attention spans being what they are, they were soon off doing other things.
This evening we had a fish dinner that Jasmine created for us.
It was hard to get the girls to bed as they are waiting for Santa.
I spent the evening creating the photo paperweight shown in the photo to the right. I had to rush out to Walgreens this evening so that I could get the 8×10 color photo of the prints. I then cut them out, permanent glue sticked them into the glass container, put some glossy rocks on the inside, and secured a top out of one of Bobby’s yogurt containers. Voila…instant present for the wife.