Day #3280 (Sat., Dec. 29, 2018) – Library Astronomy Tent

Bobby was up in the middle of the night, crying. He was trying to put the construction set he got yesterday together. I put it together for him and he was upset it was not in the shape that he wanted. I told him that I would leave unless he stopped crying. He stopped and went to bed.

“Maple The Destroyer”. Take a look at what he did to our ottoman (see photo to the left).

My wife took Katie and Bobby to the library this morning. They had an “astronomy tent” set up where the kids could lie on their backs and watch the various stars and planets beamed onto the top of the tent.

I went to Trader Joe’s this afternoon for supplies. We were out of applesauce pouches and my wife wanted butter and cheese.

This evening we all went outside to see the constellations. With so many trees and street lights around it’s hard to get a clear view of the heavenly bodies.